Elite Indoor Specialist Cycling Team


Saris | NoPinz Staple Intervals: Threshold Work

Every weekend, we find some time to get our intervals in. As a team who prides itself on regular racing, it’s still important to check to legs against a prescribed dosage of pain.

We call our weekly staple workout “pancakervals”, because that’s what we crave when we get off the bike when they’re done. If you’re doing the workout in the afternoon, maybe it’s your “sandwichervals” or “beervals”. Whatever you need to call them to get it done!

This week’s intervals are below (click image to go to workout!). Select .ZWO from the download drop-down menu to load into your Zwift game! Here’s a link on how to get that file into Zwift: How-To: Import and Share Zwift Workouts.

The 2x10:

The shortest of the options, but no easy task. This workout features 2x10 minutes at your FTP and finishes with 20 minutes of tempo riding. Get on the bike this weekend and knock this out in less than 80 minutes!

The 2x15:

The middle distance of the options, this one will hurt. Two sets of 15 minutes at your FTP, followed by 30 minutes of tempo riding. You’ll be happy when you get to the end of this one.

The 2x20:

Okay, so you’re curious if you can find your limits—we get it. This workout will bring your to the brink of failure. A classic 2x20, which every cyclist and triathlete has loathed. Don’t loathe this. Embrace it. When you finish the 2x20, go back for seconds at the breakfast buffet for 35 minutes of tempo. You’ve earned it.

Matt Gardiner